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In English

Pedersen meets with representatives of the National Coalition to discuss the Syrian file

The head of the negotiating body, Anas Al-Abdah, said through his Twitter account: “We held a meeting with the Special Envoy to Syria, to inform us of the latest findings of his efforts regarding the political process and the challenges it faces.”

This came during a meeting of the UN envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, head of the Syrian coalition, Salem al-Maslat, and head of the negotiating body, Anas al-Abdah, in the Turkish city of Istanbul, to discuss the developments of the Syrian file.

The co-chair of the Syrian Constitutional Committee on behalf of the opposition, Hadi Al-Bahra, participated in the meeting via video technology, and the meeting was also attended by the Vice President of the Coalition and Coordinator of Foreign Relations Abdul Ahad Astifu, as well as the assistants of the UN envoy.

Al-Abdah added: “We focused on the need for the full implementation of Resolution 2254, and stressed the importance of achieving real progress in the detainees’ case to release them as soon as possible, because their stay in detention in itself undermines the political process and makes it lose its credibility.”

For his part, Al-Maslat said: “We met today with the international envoy Geir Pedersen, and he briefed us on the results of his visits and efforts to advance the political process,” explaining, “We called on the United Nations, through the International Envoy, not to limit the political process to the drafting of the constitution, and to open all paths of political transition, stipulated in the International Resolution 2254”.

He continued, “We also stressed during the meeting the need for practical mechanisms and scheduled tasks within a clear timeline, to ensure that obstacles and obstacles created by the Assad regime are confronted with regard to the political process.”

The UN envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, had confirmed that his talks with the Assad regime’s Foreign Minister, “Faisal Miqdad” in Damascus, were “very successful,” he said.

Source: agencies

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