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In English

The United States urges the parties to the Constitutional Committee to find a just political solution for the Syrians

The United States of America has called the parties to the constitutional committee ( The opposition and the Assad regime) to negotiate in good faith during the sixth round scheduled to start on October 18 in Geneva, after five failed rounds that were disrupted by the Assad regime.

The US embassy in Damascus said on its Twitter account: “We urge all parties to negotiate in good faith for a sustainable, just political solution for the Syrian people in line with UNSCR 2254.”

In the same tweet, The US embassy added “The U.S. welcomes the UN envoy to Syria Geir pederson’s announcement of the Constitutional Committee’s drafting body convening on October 18.”

According to Pedersen, the two co-chairs are scheduled to meet for the first time together the day before (October 17) to prepare for the session, “The agreement of the two co-chairs is based on three pillars, namely respecting the terms of reference and basic procedural rules, presenting texts of basic constitutional principles before the meetings, and setting temporary dates for future meetings.

The work of the Constitutional Committee began in November 2019, when 5 rounds were held, suspended by the Assad regime and refusing to delve into the constitutional contents. The Committee consists of 150 members, 50 representatives of the opposition, the Assad regime and civil society. It is expected to carry out the process of re-drafting the Syrian constitution, under international supervision.

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