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In English

Hebrew newspaper: Syrian ports are Israel’s next target

The Hebrew newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” indicated yesterday that the second target of the Israeli forces in Syria may be the Syrian ports of Tartus and Latakia, two days after targeting Damascus International Airport and putting it out of service.

The newspaper clarified that it is the first time Israel target the largest civilian airport in Syria, after 15 attacks since the start of 2022, as it struck the hangars, the control tower, the runways, in addition to Iranian weapons depots for Hezbollah militia. 

The newspaper stated that the purpose of these strikes was to prevent transferring the military equipment and ammunition from Iran to depots in Damascus and then to Hezbollah militia in Lebanon.

The newspaper considered that striking Damascus airport is a message to the Assad regime that the next targets to stop transferring military equipment are most likely the ports in Tartus and Latakia.

It is noteworthy that Israel struck Damascus Airport at dawn last Friday, causing damage to its two main runways, according to satellite images. It is the first time that Damascus airport has been out of service for all flights due to the air strikes, according to the American company Aurora Intel.

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