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In English

Assad regime forces escalate the shelling on areas northwestern Syria

The Assad regime forces escalated the shelling today on different areas in northwestern Syria, according to our correspondent.

The correspondent clarified that the Assad regime forces targeted this morning with artillery and cluster bombs the vicinity of Bsanqul and al-Bara towns, in addition to al-Ruwaiha area in Jabal al-Zawiya, south of Idlib. However, no causalities were reported.

Similar shelling with heavy artillery targeted Musaibin town in eastern Ariha city, south of Idlib, and no causalities were reported.

On the other hand, the Syrian Democratic Forces targeted with artillery shells the outskirts of Jarablus city, while the Turkish army responded by bombing their positions east of Jarabulus city in Aleppo northern countryside.

The villages and towns of Idlib in southern countryside are subjected to continuous shelling by the Assad regime forces and the militias loyal to them using the heavy artillery and rocket launchers, which resulted in the dozens of civilian deaths and injuries.

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