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In English

Turkish Foreign Ministry: There are no conditions for dialogue with Syria

The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said today “Turkey does not have preconditions for dialogue with Syria, and the aim of the dialogue is the safe return of Syrian refugees to their country.”  

Cavusoglu denied any plan for a meeting in Shanghai with the Assad regime and confirmed that Bashar al-Assad is not invited for attending the summit scheduled in mid-September, according to Reuters Agency.

He made it clear that Turkey’s aim of the military operation is to clean up the country of terrorists and secure its borders, in addition to take steps in order to achieve a permanent peace in Syria.

Cavusoglu affirmed that Ankara has taken many initiatives over time, but the Assad regime has not completely believed in the political process.   

Iran’s Tasnim news agency has revealed Russia’s efforts to hold a meeting between the president Erdoghan and Bashar al-Assad during an upcoming meeting of the heads of Shanghai cooperation organization in the mid-September in the Uzbekistani capital of Samarkand.

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