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Russian lawmakers call on Putin to resign from his position

Russian lawmakers from 18 municipal districts in Moscow and Petersburg demanded yesterday the resignation of the Russian president Vladimir Putin from his position.

The demand for Putin to resign came in a petition submitted by deputies along with a list of signatures posted on Tweeter, according to CNN website.

The petition stated that “we, the municipal deputies of Russia, believe that the actions of its president Vladimir Putin are detrimental to the future of Russia and its citizens.”

The petition comes in the wake of Russia’s first local and regional elections since the start of the war, which saw a sweeping victory for pro-Kremlin candidates.

The council of one of Moscow’s districts (Lomonosovsky) demanded Putin’s resignation, saying: “Your opinions and your model of government are hopelessly outdated and hinder Russia’s development and human potential.”

The municipal deputies of Smolninskoye in Saint Petersburg called on last week the State Duma of the Russian Federation to charge Vladimir Putin with treason. Many of them are now facing accusations of defaming the Russian army, according to a tweet from a local official, Nikita Yuverev.

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