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In English

Assad regime calls on Washington to immediately withdraw its forces from the Syrian territories

The Assad regime Foreign Ministry on Saturday called on in a statement the United States to immediately withdraw its forces from the Syrian territories and to stop its military support to U.S.-backed forces in order to achieve its goal.

The Foreign Ministry explained through a post on Twitter that “Washington’s ongoing “despicable” policy represented by plundering the Syrian oil across the Syrian-Iraqi borders and transferring it to northern Iraq is a piracy and an attempt to return to the colonial era.”

The statement considered that these practices contradict with the international law and the UN Charter. The statement called on the UN Security Council to condemn such practices and put an end to them.

The Assad regime Ministry of oil had previously said in a statement last August that “the US forces were stealing 80% of the Syrian oil production “. Syria considers the presence of US forces on its territories is illegitimate and calls for their withdrawal.

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