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Goldrich affirms the United States’ support for the political process in Syria

The US deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affair, Ethan Goldrich, affirmed the U.S.’ support for the political process in Syria.

This statement came during a meeting between Goldrich and the former prime minister, Dr. Riyad Hijab, who defected from the Syrian regime.

The US Embassy in Syria tweeted that Goldrich reiterated during his meeting with Hijab that “the United States’ support for a Syrian-led political process, facilitated by the United Nations, for the full-implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254.”

Goldrich stressed that “Syrians deserve nothing less after more than 11 years of war.”

The US State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs said that the participants in the meeting affirmed their “commitment to advancing a lasting political solution to the Syrian conflict in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.”

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