Israeli officials affirm the destruction of 90% of the Iranian military infrastructure in Syria
The Israeli newspaper “The Jerusalem Post” published a report on Sunday, in which officials in the Israeli Defense Ministry said that Israel has destroyed about 90% of the Iranian military infrastructure in Syria.
The report affirmed that Israel has succeeded during the recent years to completely curb Iran’s ability to transfer weapons to Syria, to manufacture them on its soil, and to establish a base in it with the militias loyal to Iran.
The report made it clear that the Israeli forces caused significant damage to the Iranian smuggling routes from Iran to Syria across the sea, air and land. The ability of the Assad regime to produce weapons and ammunition has also been damaged because Iran and Hezbollah used the same factories to produce weapons.
The report pointed out that despite the tension between Israel and Russia, after Russian threats to Israel not to transfer weapons to Ukraine, the deconfliction mechanism to prevent Russian-Israeli friction in Syria is continuing.
The report stated that the periods in which there are no Israeli attacks are due to an Iranian decision to stop the smuggling of weapons to Syria, until a new way is found to deceive Israel.
It is noteworthy that the latest Israeli attacks in Syria occurred last Friday evening, when sites of the Assad regime forces and Iranian militias in Damascus were subjected to missile strikes, for the first time in more than a month.