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In English
أخر الأخبار

The United Nations warns of the escalation by the Assad regime forces and Russia in Idleb

The United Nations issued a statement on Sunday warning against the escalation of hostilities by Assad regime forces and Russia in Idleb areas, demanding all parties to adhere to the ceasefire agreement, in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

This warning came after the Assad regime forces and Russia shelled with missiles the displaced camps, west of Idleb city, killing 9 civilians and injuring 75 others.

The United Nations confirmed in the statement that it is deeply concerned over the mounting and ongoing hostilities recently in north-west Syria, and the impact of this escalation on civilians. The United Nations also called on all the parties to take all the necessary measures to protect civilians in all times.

The United Nations has documented since the beginning of this year the deaths of at least 121 civilians due to the shelling of the Assad regime and Russia in separate areas in northwestern Syria.

The villages and towns of Jabal al-Zawiya in Idleb southern countryside witness everyday a shelling by the Assad regime forces stationed in areas near Jabal al-Zawiya, causing most often civilian casualties, and huge destruction of public property and infrastructure.

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