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The EU lists Syrian and Russian officials on the sanctions list of chemical weapons

The European Union imposed new sanctions on individuals and entities in Syria, including eight Russian citizens and two Syrians, and one Syrian entity.

The European Union issued a statement showing new sanctions lists, including a travel ban to EU, an asset freeze for ten individual and one entity who are responsible for producing chemical weapons and transferring them to Syria, in addition to providing financial, technical, and material support for that.

According to the statement of the European Union Council: “The new lists include 10 individuals and one entity linked to the poisoning of Alexei Navalny with a Novichok-type nerve agent on August 20, 2020, and the production and deployment of chemical weapons in Syria.”

According to the European Union, the Russian individuals on the list are officers of the Russian Federal Security Service, and Russian chemical weapons experts.

The lists also include two Canadian citizens of Syrian origin, “Nazier Houranieh and Sons,” who are allegedly involved in supplying the Syrian Research Center with materials used to produce chemical weapons delivery systems.

The European Union sanctions regime aims to contribute to the Union’s efforts to combat the proliferation and use of chemical weapons and to support the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of These Weapons.

The Assad regime carried out about 222 chemical weapons attacks documented by the “Syrian Network for Human Rights,” in light of demands to oppose these attacks and document evidence to form direct criminal responsibility against people who supervised or participated in carrying out the chemical attack with the aim of bringing them to justice.

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