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Russia asks Israel to facilitate the transfer of weapons from Syria to Ukraine

The Israeli channel “Kan-11” said on Sunday that Moscow asked Israel not to impede the transfer of Russian defense systems from Syria to Ukraine, especially missile interception systems.

The website stated that the past few days witnessed contacts between senior Russian officials and Israeli officials in this regard.

The channel pointed out that Russian officials hinted in their conversations with the Israeli side that if Russia lost the war in Ukraine, this would fuel anti-Jewish feelings in Russia, and that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is the one who prevents the outbreak of anti-Jewish waves in his country.

The channel indicated that Russia is exploiting the file of security coordination with Israel in Syria as a pressure card against Tel Aviv, which is studying the possibility of supplying weapons to Ukraine, after changes began to occur in the Israeli position towards the Russian invasion.

The private Israeli “Channel 13” said, “The Russians fired air defense missiles for the first time, in response to the recent Israeli missiles that targeted the Masyaf area, in central Syria last May, noting that they did not cause any damage to the invading planes.”

In 2005, Russia reached an agreement for military coordination between it and Israel to prevent friction between Russian forces and their Israeli counterparts, especially warplanes.

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