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أخر الأخبار

Akar: We will not tolerate terrorists living near our borders

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said on Saturday that no one, especially countries that destabilize the region, should expect Turkey to tolerate terrorists nesting near its borders.

Akar delivered a speech at the General Assembly of the Turkish parliament during the 2023 budget discussions, where he explained that his country’s upcoming military operation against terrorist organizations in northern Syria is a matter of technology, tactics and calculations. Our armed forces have taken and will take all necessary measures at the appropriate place and time for the security of our country and our noble nation, according to Anadolu agency.

Akar added that in order to ensure the security of our borders, we use high-level technical tools and equipment, consisting of fences, trenches, a cement wall, and monitoring systems.

Akar stated that 250,000 people have been prevented from crossing our borders since January 1, and 800 terrorists along with 7,600 irregular migrants have been handed over to law enforcement authorities.

Akar stressed that the only goal of the Turkish Armed Forces is terrorists, wherever they are, they are our goal, and the Syrian Democratic Forces with all its parties are considered one terrorist organization, and we are determined to save our country and our noble nation from the scourge of terrorism, regardless of their names and whoever supported them.

He pointed out that since the beginning of 2022, Turkish forces have neutralized about 4,000 terrorists and destroyed a large number of shelters, bunkers, warehouses and tunnels in their operations inside the country and in northern Iraq and Syria.

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