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The Syrian Coalition condemns the shelling by Assad regime on the earthquake-affected areas in north-west Syria

The Syrian National Coalition condemned the renewed shelling by Assad regime forces on areas, northwest Syria, confirming that the ongoing brutality by Assad regime and its allies caused the Syrian people to suffer double.

This statement comes after the Assad regime shelled with heavy artillery the vicinity of Idlib city, targeting populated areas near the camps for the displaced people, although the region is still suffering from the effects of the earthquake that caused destruction and the displacement of thousands of people.

The Syrian Coalition considered that what some countries are doing towards normalization with the Assad regime is a grave mistake. Any efforts to rehabilitate the Assad regime means accepting its crimes and brutality and giving it a green light to continue its aggression against the Syrian people.

The Coalition pointed out that all countries know what the regime has done since 2011 such as chemical crimes, mass killings, arrests and torture to death.

The Coalition emphasized that the Syrian people, who have sacrificed for more than a decade, will not accept the Assad regime being imposed on them again and will continue their struggle until they achieve their goal to build a new free Syria in which there is no place for the Assad regime, even if the international community lets them down, which has failed to hold the war criminal accountable or implement the resolutions that guarantee political transition in Syria.

The Coalition called on the Arab parliamentarians who visited Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on Monday, to visit the victims of the earthquake in northwestern Syria, which are the areas hit by the earthquake. The Coalition added that if the intentions are to show solidarity with the victims, then do not be mere witnesses to people being killed, rather assist them and do not support their killer.

The Assad regime forces targeted on Monday with rocket launchers the towns of Kafriya and Al-Foua, and the city of Binnish in Idleb countryside, injuring a civilian.

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