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UNICEF: millions of children in Syria at risk of malnutrition

Twelve years of conflict, and the recent deadly earthquakes, have left millions of children in Syria at heightened risk of malnutrition, UNICEF warned

According to estimates, more than 609-900 children, under the age of five, are stunted in Syria. Stunting results from chronic undernutrition and causes irreversible physical and mental damage to children. This impacts their capacity to learn, their productivity and earnings later in adulthood.

The organization also noted that more than 3.75 million children required nutritional assistance across the country, while nearly 7 million children countrywide required urgent humanitarian assistance.

“The children of Syria cannot wait any longer. After years of conflict, and two catastrophic earthquakes, the futures of millions of children hang by a thread,” said UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Adele Khodr. “It is our collective responsibility to reaffirm to children that their future is our priority too.”

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