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Egypt’s Foreign Minister: We support UN’s efforts to reach a comprehensive political settlement in Syria

Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Spokesman Ahmed Abu-Zeid said on Sunday that Egypt’s Foreign Minister held a phone call with the UN special envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen, confirming Egypt’s support for a comprehensive political settlement in Syria in line with the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2254.

Abu-Zeid added that his country supports restoring security and stability in Syria and ending all forms of “terrorism” and foreign interference in it.

Abu-Zeid made it clear that the call also addressed the ways to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people, stressing at the same time Egypt’s eagerness to strongly contribute to alleviate that suffering.

Abu Zeid pointed out that the two sides agreed to continue consultation and coordination during the coming period.

For his part, UN envoy Geir Pedersen expressed his full appreciation for Egypt’s role and its ongoing support for the UN in resolving the Syrian crisis.

Shoukry had confirmed in a previous meeting with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen that his country is keen on a settlement in Syria in accordance with the international resolutions, on the top is the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2254, in order to preserve the integrity and unity of the Syrian state and end all forms of terrorism and foreign interference in it.

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