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US State: Assad regime is not worthy of returning to Arab League

US Deputy Foreign Spokesperson Vidant Patel said the Assad regime was not worthy of returning to the Arab League due to its 12-year humanitarian violations against Syrians.

At the daily press conference, he added that Arab states seeking to normalize their relations with the Assad regime had their “sovereign decision.”

Patel stressed that the United States’ position on the Assad regime will not change, nor will there be normalization of relations with the continued absence of a political solution.

Washington told its partners dealing with the Assad regime that steps that would improve Syria’s humanitarian and security realities should be a priority.

Batel considered that there were many files that needed to be resolved at the moment, including ensuring permanent access to humanitarian assistance, limiting the role of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard militia in Syria, eradicating the drug trade, as well as serious progress on the political trajectory.

Patel’s remarks come as many Arab countries seek to normalize their relations with the Assad regime and return it to the Arab League after its membership has been frozen since 2011, due to crimes committed against Syrians.

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