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Faisal al-Miqdad: We will determine what we want to implement from the UNSC Resolution “2254”

Assad regime’s Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad confirmed that the Assad regime will implement what it cares about from UN Resolution “2254”.

Al-Miqdad said in an interview with “RT” channel that the current Arab situation is promising in terms of deepening the relations between the Assad regime and Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia.

Al-Miqdad replied to the question on implementing the “step by step” initiative, saying “We did not talk about implementing this resolution, but rather we talked about taking steps to reach solutions to the conditions that Syria underwent”.

Al-Miqdad pointed out that “the Amman release talked about a gradual solution to the crisis in Syria”

Al-Miqdad added that “Since the adoption of the UNSC Resolution “2254” we have said that we will implement what concerns Syria from it, and on this basis, we seek a political solution that entails eliminating terrorism and reviving economic situation in the country.”

Turning to the drug file, al-Miqdad said, ‘We suffer from the drug problem, and we hope that other countries will cooperate with us sincerely in order to eradicate this phenomenon. We have agreed at the Amman meetings to form a Syrian-Iraqi committee and a Syrian-Jordanian committee to curb this phenomenon.”

Al-Miqdad also stressed that Syria will not normalize its relations with “a country that occupies its land like Turkey,” stressing that “normalization can only be a result of pulling out the Turkish troops from Syria.”

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