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أخر الأخبار

Turkish Presidency: We will take reasonable and humanitarian steps for the return of Syrian refugees to their country

Turkish Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin said that Ankara will discuss three important issues with the Assad regime, including the return of Syrian refugees to their country which will be on the top of the government’s agenda after the elections.

Kalin emphasized through a press interview “Of course we want these people to return, but they are human beings. We must not forget this, and we will take reasonable and humanitarian steps for refugees’ return.”

Kalin made it clear that there is no specific date for a plan to return the Syrian refugees to their country, but it is not far and depend on how the process will go.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan previously confirmed in a speech after announcing his victory in the elections that the voluntary return of Syrian refugees from Turkey to their country safely will be part of our government’s policy.

Erdogan stressed confirmed that “We are implementing a new housing project in northern Syria in cooperation with Qatar, and we will ensure the voluntary return of one million refugees to Syria within few years.”

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