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In English
أخر الأخبار

One civilian was injured in Russian airstrikes on Jabal Al-Arbaeen south Idlib

A civilian was injured on Tuesday as Assad regime forces and Russian warplanes targeted with airstrikes the vicinity of Sarjah Bazabour village, south Idlib.

Radio Fresh’s correspondent said that the Assad regime forces shelled with heavy artillery the outskirts of Bazabour village in Jabal Al-Arbaeen area, south of Idlib.

The correspondent added that the Assad regime forces targeted with heavy artillery the village of Ibdita in Jabal Al-Zawiya, south of Idlib. There was only material damage and no human casualties were recorded.

A man and his two daughters were slightly injured on Monday as the Assad regime forces and Russia targeted with heavy machine guns and artillery shells the town Maarat Al-Naasan, in the eastern Idleb countryside.

Assad regime forces and Russia continue to shell several areas in the countryside of Idleb and Aleppo, causing civilian casualties and great material damage.

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