In English
أخر الأخبار

The Gulf Cooperation Council affirms its support for a political solution in Syria

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) affirmed its support for a political solution in Syria in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions.

The foreign ministers of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council said in the final statement of its 156th session in Riyadh on Sunday that “its positions are firm towards preserving Syria’s territorial integrity and respecting its independence and sovereignty on its territories.”

The (GCC) welcomed the call of UN Secretary-General Geir Pedersen to renew the mandate of the Security Council to extend cross-border humanitarian aid delivery mechanism for 12 months, according to the statement.

The statement emphasized that the council “rejects regional interference in Syria’s internal affairs, supports a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and supports efforts to provide care for Syrian refugees and displaced persons, and work for their safe return to their cities and villages, in accordance with international standards.”

The (GCC) pointed out to the importance of continuing and supporting all efforts to help Syria overcoming its crisis, and the need to take practical and effective steps to gradually resolve the Syrian crisis.

The (GCC) welcomed in its statement the Arab League’s decision to return Syria to its seat. The (GCC) also welcomed the Arab efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria according to a step-by-step approach.

The Arab League announced last month that Assad regime delegations will resume their participation in Arab League meetings, after a 12-year absence, due to the Syrian crisis.

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