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أخر الأخبار

Jordan: We agreed with Turkey on the need to work and make progress in the Syrian asylum file

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said that “His country and Turkey agreed on the need to work intensively in order to resolve the Syrian crisis and advance the asylum file.”

This statement came during a press conference with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan in Ankara, a day after his visit to Damascus and met Bashar al-Assad.

Al-Safadi added that “The solution to issues in Syria will not be over night, and we followed a serious Arab path to resolve the crisis according to a step-by-step approach and in line with UN Resolution 2254.”

International human rights organizations, led by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have previously called on the United Nations to stop programs that could stimulate the early and unsafe return of Syrian refugees to their country, stressing that Syria is not safe for return.

Ayman Al-Safadi held during the past weeks several meetings with UN officials to discuss the issue of returning Syrian refugees to their country, in addition to holding several other meetings with some officials of regional countries such as Turkey and Russia, as they are influential in the Syrian file.

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