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Turkish Foreign Minister discussed with his US counterpart the extension of UN aid delivery mechanism into Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Saturday evening discussed in a phone call with his American counterpart, Anthony Blinken, the file of extending the UN cross-border aid delivery mechanism into Syria

These discussions took place ahead of the current mandate expiry, according to a statement published by the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Saturday evening.

According to the statement, the two ministers discussed several issues related to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the lates developments in Ukraine.

The statement added that Fidan and Blinken also discussed the NATO Summit which is scheduled to be held in Vilnius, on July 11-12, in order to participate in the 74th NATO summit.

The United Nations has been using the Bab al-Hawa crossing to deliver aid to millions of Syrians in Idleb province since 2014, with a UN mandate every six months, and without the need for Assad regime’s approval.

World countries and humanitarian organizations also warned against blocking cross-border aid delivery, pointing out that this will lead to serious consequences for millions of Syrians.

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