Cancer patients begin entering Turkey to receive treatment after Turkey’s approval
The cancer patients in northern Syria began on Wednesday to enter the Turkish territories via Bab al-Hawa border crossing to receive treatment.
Turkey announced Tuesday on 25 July, 2023 that it approved the entry of the new cancer patients to receive treatment.
“30 cancer patients entered the Turkish territories this morning from Bab al-Hawa border crossing to start receiving treatment,” according to medical sources.
The source made it clear that “old cancer patients who were receiving treatment in Turkish hospitals, their entry mechanism remains as it was previously with an average of 75 patients per day.”
Activists and medical staffs have invited people a few days ago for an open sit-in protest in front of the border crossings with Turkey (Bab al-Hawa crossing), calling for providing treatment for cancer patients in northern Syria.
It is noteworthy that the number of cancer patients in northern Syria has reached about 3,100 cases, while cancer patients’ daily rate is approximately 3 cases.