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In English

Five civilians were killed and others injured in air and artillery shelling of Assad regime forces and Russia on Idleb and Aleppo

Five civilians were killed and others injured on Sunday in air and artillery shelling of Assad regime forces and Russia on Idleb and Aleppo

Radio Fresh’s correspondent reported that Russian aircrafts targeted with several airstrikes the farms and buildings on the road between Idleb city and Ain Sheeb, killing three civilians and injuring 6 others, including a woman.

The correspondent added that the Assad regime forces, stationed in the Sheikh Aqil area, west Aleppo, targeted a car on the Barjaka-Fafertin road with a guided missile, killing two civilians and injuring four others.

This Russian bombardment comes days after Russia claimed, through the “Russian Reconciliation Center” at the Hmeimim base in Latakia countryside, that “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” is preparing to carry out operations targeting Russian patrols in Syria.

The recent weeks have witnessed a remarkable escalation by the Assad regime and Russia in targeting residential neighborhoods in northwestern Syria, which resulted in civilian casualties and caused massive destruction of infrastructure and public property.

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