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In English
أخر الأخبار

Civilians were injured in Russian airstrikes on Idleb governorate

Civilians were injured on Monday as Russian warplanes hit with several strikes the outskirts of Idleb city.

Radio Fresh’s correspondent reported that several Russian airstrikes targeted Mritin village, west Idleb, and a swimming pool on Tal al-Ruman road near the center of Idleb governorate.

The correspondent affirmed that the strikes injured 6 civilians and they were taken to the nearest medical point to receive treatment, and no deaths were recorded.

The Assad regime forces targeted with heavy artillery Kansafra town in Jabal Al-Zawiya in western Idleb countryside, however no human casualties were reported, according to Radio Fresh’s correspondent.

Radio Fresh’s correspondent pointed out that the Turkish forces stationed in the eastern Aleppo countryside shelled the military positions belonging to the Assad regime forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces.

The Turkish shelling on the countryside of Manbij city resulted in the killing of two members of the Assad regime forces and injuring four others.

The Turkish artillery also shelled joint military positions between the Assad regime forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces, killing a number of them.

The villages and towns of Idleb city are being continuously subjected to bombardment by the Assad regime forces and Russia, causing dozens of civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure and public property.

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