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Syrian organizations announce their alliance to achieve the Syrians’ aspirations under the umbrella of the “Syrian American Initiative” (SAI)

Four Syrian political and humanitarian organizations announced on Sunday their alliance under the umbrella of the ‘Syrian American Initiative” (SAI), with the aim of unifying efforts and enabling them to support the cause and aspirations of the Syrian people in the United States of America.

The organizations Global Justice, the Arab Democratic Alliance, the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), and the Humanitarian Euphrates Civilization issued a joint statement announcing their new alliance and their continued efforts.

The four organizations said in a joint statement, “during 2022 and 2023, the Syrian-American initiative, which was based on the efforts of the American (Global Justice) organization concerned with justice and sustainable development, along with the (Arab Democratic Alliance) with its political and social components, statesmen and experts in it, launched many initiatives to restore the areas liberated from Assad regime control in northern Syria, in addition to presenting advanced perceptions about the future of the political solution in Syria, based on the experiences of other peoples and nations.

The statement mentioned that among those initiatives is the “No-man’s Land” initiative and its procedural steps, and the “West Germany scenario,” adding that this is “consistent with the great efforts made by the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) and its prominent position in the Syrian and American scene, especially in its colossal work for justice, influencing global decision-making centers, and its prominent role in encouraging the issuance of pivotal decisions and laws such as (Caesar Law) and others.

The statement added that this close work in international forums, which focuses on multiple humanitarian issues, including the issue of the Ukrainian people, with which the interests of the components of the Syrian-American initiative meet in the Syrian-Ukrainian Network (SUN).

According to the statement, the joining of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) and the Humanitarian Euphrates Civilization Organization (HEUC) to the initiative came as a culmination of joint work, and in order to enhance permanent coordination on the files that its components are working on.

The statement stressed that the Syrian-American initiative “believes that the current stage requires more concerted energies and directing them towards achieving more in order to ensure that the voice of the Syrian people continues to be heard everywhere, and their cause is present on every discussion table, in addition to the necessary support for Syrians of different generations and in all fields.

The statement considered that this partnership (SAI) launches a new phase, and looks forward to working with serious parties and sober entities to accomplish more and push the mechanism of influence as far as possible, and to be an inclusive framework for all visions that intersect with the interests of the Syrian people and their aspirations for freedom, dignity and democracy.

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