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Greenfield: The protests in Syria are a proof that Assad regime has not met the peaceful demands of the Syrian people

U.S Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield affirmed that the protests which erupted in southern Syria are a poof that Assad regime has not met the peaceful demands of the protesters.

Greenfield said at the UN Security Council: “We have seen recently peaceful demonstrations in cities such as Daraa and Sweida, during these protests the Syrians have called for political change and all parties to respect the UN Security Council resolution 2254.”

Greenfield pointed out that “these areas where the protests erupted are the same areas that witnessed the beginning of the revolution, and it is clear that the that peaceful demands have not been met.”

Greenfield considered that “the conflict in Syria caused instability through the region as millions of people are unable to return to their country. The conflict also facilitated drug trafficking for the Assad regime.”

Greenfield recalled during her briefing at the Security Council the Ghouta massacre saying, “This week marked the 10th anniversary of one of the most horrific events in modern history, when Assad regime launch missiles containing sarin gas targeting the eastern Ghouta, killing 1400 people and injuring many more.”

Greenfield called for supporting all efforts that would press Assad regime to return to the Constitutional Committee, although Washington did not see any reason to change the place of the meeting and choose a place other than Geneva.

Greenfield claimed that “the safe and dignified return of the refugees is not possible until the conditions improve. The Syrians will not return as long as they are at risk of being arbitrary arrested, tortured, or forcibly disappeared. We have witnessed many cases in which the returnees are subjected to abuses or worse.

Dozens of protests took place on Friday, August 25, across all the Syrian cities and governorates, calling for the overthrow of the Assad regime and the departure of Bashar al-Assad. They also called for releasing detainees and disappeared persons in Assad regime’s prisons and implementing the UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

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