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أخر الأخبار

US Congress delegation meets the director of the Civil Defence and the head of the “Interim” Government in northwestern Syria

A US Congress delegation visited on Sunday northwestern Syria and met the director of Syria Civil Defence (White Helmets) Raed al-Saleh and the head of Syrian Interim Government Abdurrahman Mustafa.

Al-Saleh and Mustafa discussed with the congressional delegation the political situation and recent protests in Syria, UN Security Council resolution 2254, and the Captagon issue.

Al-Saleh confirmed to the delegation “the importance of confronting the normalization and floating the Assad regime and letting it go unpunished for the committed atrocities”, according to a statement by the Syria Civil Defence posted on social media.

Al-Saleh emphasized “the need of accountability for all perpetrators of crimes against the Syrian people and achieving justice for them.”

Al-Saleh referred to “the importance of ongoing cross-border humanitarian aid delivery into north Syria amid the surging humanitarian needs following the earthquake disaster.”

Discussions took place between the head of the Syrian Interim Government and the congressional delegation. Mustafa stressed the importance of adhering to a political solution in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, and activating the “counter-captagon” Act.

Mustafa discussed with the delegation several issues, the most important of which was the opposition to Arab normalization with the Assad regime, support for the Syrian people, and the achievement of the political transition process in Syria.

The visit of the US Congressional delegation to northwestern Syria came at the invitation of the “Syrian Emergency Task Force” organization, for the first time after a break that lasted for more than 10 years.

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