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In English

The Syrian Democratic Forces declare the end of military operations in Deir ez-Zor

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) declared on Friday 8, 2023, the end of military operations in Deir ez-Zor after clashes lasted for days with the Arab tribal fighters, killing 25 members of the SDF, 29 members of the tribal fighters, and 9 civilians.

The SDF issued a statement saying, that the operation mainly targeted the ISIS cells and drug traffickers. The SDF accused the security services affiliated to the Assad regime of creating a strife between the tribesmen and the SDF, claiming that they fought members infiltrated from west of Euphrates River and united with gunmen from the region under the title “Tribal army”.

The statement made it clear that the SDF did not use the firmness and violence through the first days of the operation rather they were wise and patient to address the tensions, pointing out that the SDF intervened following appeals by the people of the region after the service institutions were looted and burned.

The International Coalition had previously called for an end to the violence in northeastern Syria, following the recent confrontations between the SDF and Arab tribal fighters and others from the Deir ez-Zor Military Council.

Violent clashes took place last week in the villages of the eastern Deir ez-Zor province after the Syrian Democratic Forces dismissed the commander of Deir ez-Zor Military Council, Ahmed Al-Khabil.

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