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In English

Jordan’s Interior Minister: The Syrian crisis has depleted our resources and the issue of migration is one of our priorities

Jordan’s Interior Minister Mazen al-Faraya said that the crisis in Syria has exhausted Jordan’s natural, economic, health, educational and infrastructure resources.

Al-Faraya added in a meeting with the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa, Othman Belbeisi, and his representative in Jordan, Tima Court, that the immigration file is considered one of the priorities that the government is working on.

Al-Faraya made it clear that his country took responsibility on behalf of the world in dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis, despite the shortage of capabilities and the lack of assistance provided by the United Nations to respond to the refugee crisis.

The Jordanian minister stated that the Kingdom has created a database to identify migration patterns and combat human trafficking and human rights.

He pointed out that the goal of this database is to provide accurate information to formulate policies based on evidence.

It is noteworthy that Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi confirmed in previous statements that his country is no longer able to receive more refugees, considering that the future of Syrian refugees must be in their country, when the appropriate conditions are available for their return.

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