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In English

UN: Syria is not safe for the return of Syrian refugees

The United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria (COI) confirmed that Syria is not safe for the return of refugees, calling on the effective parties to stop attacks on civilians.

This statement came after the United Nations documented special cases of Syrian refugees returning from the neighboring after they subjected to detention and ill-treatment by the Assad regime and dozens were disappeared, including children.

The (COI) pointed out that the violence cases, economic deterioration, and human rights violation cases have increased which required an urgent Syrian and international response.

The (COI) stated that Assad regime and other parties are unjustifiably hindering humanitarian aid access into Syria.

The (COI) emphasized that the UN Security Council has failed to reach a mechanism that allows life-saving assistance access for the vulnerable across Bab al-Hawa border crossing.

The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria, Geir Pedersen, previously announced that the conditions for the return of refugees to Syria are still not suitable, during the UN Security Council monthly meeting on Syria.

Pedersen said: “At present time, the conditions for the safe, dignified and voluntary return of refugees are not available, and they must be protected from forced return, just as all civilians inside Syria must be protected, including internally displaced people.”

The UN envoy warned of the stifling economic crisis and its repercussions on all Syrians, as 90% of them live below the poverty line.

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