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Erdogan: We were able to establish a 30 km-deep security strip on the border with Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: “His country was able to establish a 30 km-deep security strip on the southern border of Turkey.”

Erdogan’s statement came during his speech at the opening of the new session of Parliament, hours after the Kurdistan Workers’ Party claimed responsibility for a bomb attack targeting a security headquarter in the capital, Ankara.

Erdogan affirmed in response to the bombing that “his country will eliminate the last terrorist inside and outside its borders, pointing out that terrorist organizations are breathing their last in Turkey.”

Erdogan made it clear that “his country only needs the convenient time and conditions to intervene militarily again and strike terrorists in their homelands inside Syria,” according to the Turkish media.

Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler confirmed last August that it is inconceivable for Turkish forces to leave Syria without ensuring the security of the country’s borders and its people.

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