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In English
أخر الأخبار

Two children were killed and others wounded in Assad regime’s shelling on Idleb city

2 Children were killed and other civilians were wounded on Saturday morning due to missile shelling by Assad regime forces targeting Kafr Latah town in southern Idleb.

Radio Fresh’s correspondent reported that Assad regime forces heavily shelled Idleb province, Ariha, Benish, and Maarblit village in southern Idleb as well as al-Dana city in northern Idleb, however no casualties were recorded.

While the Russian warplanes carried out on Saturday morning airstrike targeted the vicinity of Bsankol in western Idleb, and no casualties were reported.

Assad regime forces launched missile attack on Friday evening, October 6, targeted residential neighborhoods in the center of Idleb city, killing 4 civilians, including a boy and a woman, and injuring12 civilians, including 6 children and a woman.

Assad regime forces also carried out missile strike targeting Termanin town in northeastern Idleb, killing 1 civilian and injuring others.

This bombardment comes in the wake of a fierce campaign launched by Assad regime forces, targeting the cities and towns in the countryside of Idleb and Aleppo provinces, resulting in dozens of civilian deaths and injuries.

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