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In English
أخر الأخبار

A girl was killed and others wounded in Assad regime’s artillery shelling on several areas in the countryside of Idleb and Aleppo

Artillery and missile shelling by Assad regime forces targeted on Wednesday night several areas in the countryside of Idleb and Aleppo, killing a girl and injuring 4 others.

Radio Fresh’s correspondent reported that Assad regime forces targeted the residential neighborhoods near a medical facility in Darat Ezza city, western Aleppo countryside, using three missiles one of them loaded with incendiary ammunition, killing a girl and injuring her sister as well as setting the house on fire.

The correspondent added that a similar shelling targeted Termanin town in northern Idleb countryside, caused minor injuries to 3 civilians.

Assad regime forces and Russia’s shelling on Idleb countryside comes hours after popular demonstrations took place in several cities and regions in northwestern Syria condemning the massacre committed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza after targeting the Baptist Hospital, leaving hundreds of deaths and injuries.

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