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In English

UNHCR discusses with the Assad regime the issue of Syrian refugees’ return

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) announced that it has engaged in a dialogue with the Assad regime, on the necessity of working to create appropriate conditions for the return of Syrian refugees.

The United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, Filippo Grandi, said that completing the procedures includes a guarantee from the Assad regime regarding the rights and protection of refugees.

This statement came in a briefing at the UN Security Council, in which Grandi made it clear that one in four people in Lebanon is a Syrian or Palestinian refugee.

Grandi pointed out that the exerted efforts in Syria to create conditions for the return of refugees voluntarily are only spent by a few of capital.

Grandi also stressed the need to provide homes for Syrian refugees and provide them with the necessary services, in addition to international support.

According to Grandi, the UNHCR urgently needs $600 million before the end of this year, as he made it clear that the major donors have cut aid.

The United Nations in partnership with the international community, confirmed that the conditions in Syria currently do not allow for the safe and voluntary return of refugees.

In its turn, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry pointed out that the return of refugees is excluded in light of the insecurity in areas far from the fighting fronts.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has announced the continuation of its work with the Assad regime more than once, with the aim of “creating convenient conditions” for the return of Syrian refugees to their country.

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