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US Intelligence: Assad regime agreed to provide “Hezbollah” with Russian made missiles

US intelligence confirmed that it has information pointing out that Bashar al-Assad agreed to provide the Lebanese “Hezbollah” with Russian missile system via Russian “Wagner” Group, according to CNN.

Bashar al-Assad assigned the mission of delivering surface-to-air SA-22 missile system, which is known as “Pantsir” and made by Russia, to “Wagner” Group, which operates in Syria, according to CNN.

CNN quoted two informed sources as saying: “It is not clear whether the missile system has already been delivered or how close it is to delivery.”

The sources pointed out that “Russia originally provided the system for Assad regime. It is not clear the extent of Russia’s influence on Assad regime’s decision to provide the missile system to Hezbollah.”

One of the sources indicated that the United States was monitoring the latest movement of the Russian missile system. While the other source said that the US assessment partially based on intelligence information obtained on the discussions between Bashar al-Assad, Wagner, and Hezbollah about delivering the system.

The American newspaper “Wall Street Journal” said earlier that the Russian Wagner Group might provide Hezbollah with the missile defence system “Pantsir” without mentioning any relation with the Assad regime.

The newspaper quoted intelligence sources as saying that “Wagner” is working to provide the Russian system, which includes anti-aircraft missiles and air defense cannons to intercept aircrafts, pointing out that US officials are monitoring the discussions that include “Wagner” and “Hezbollah.”

“Wagner” Group has been operating in Syria alongside Russia and Assad regime for years. The Group has committed “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” in Syria, according to international and Syrian human rights organizations.

It is noteworthy that Israel has targeted the surface-to-air SA-22 missile system defense system of the Assad regime several times through its strikes on military sites inside Syria.

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