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In English

Syria Civil Defence documents 10 international prohibited weapon attacks by Assad regime on northern Syria

Syria Civil Defence (White Helmets) published a report on its Facebook account, confirming that Assad regime forces used international prohibited incendiary and cluster weapons during their attacks on the residential neighborhoods and vital facilities in north-west Syria during last October.

The report considered that Assad regime’s use of international prohibited weapons during the shelling of residential areas is a violation of the humanitarian and international laws and also a war crime.

The report documented 10 attacks with incendiary munitions on north-west Syria during last October, which resulted in the killing of 3 civilians.

The report stated that 9 of these attacks targeted Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb countryside, and the cities of Daret Ezza, al-Abzmo, al-Atareb, al-Tawama, Kafr Nouran in western Idleb countryside, killing a girl child and injuring 4 civilians, including three children.

The report pointed out that 4 rockets loaded with cluster munitions targeted Termanin town in Idleb countrtyside, killing 2 civilians and injuring 4 others, including two children and a woman.

The report also stated that Assad regime forces used Grad rockets carrying POM-2 (anti-personnel landmine), which is internationally banned and very dangerous. The rockets are also carrying PGMDM (anti-vehicle landmine).

The report emphasized that using international prohibited weapons on the residential areas threatens the civilians’ lives for a longtime.
The report called on the international community to hold the perpetrators of such crimes and violations accountable, who did not abide by the international laws.

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