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In English

The Syrian Negotiation Commission calls on the European Union to increase the humanitarian and educational support

The head of the Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC), Bader Jamous, discussed with the Deputy Secretary General and Political Director of the European External Action Service, Enrique Mora, the developments of the political process in Syria.

The SNC said in a post on “X” platform that “Jamous called on the European Union to increase the humanitarian and educational support for Syrians in Syria and neighboring countries.”

Jamous stressed the importance of European Union support for the political process and the risks of Assad regime’s stalling and disrupting to any political process in Syria and the repercussions of this for the future of Syria and its people.

Jamous expressed his gratitude for the European Union for its supportive attitudes towards the Syrian people’s cause to reach a state of freedom and justice.

Mora made it clear that most of the Syrian people, who live under Assad regime’s control, experience extreme poverty and subject to suppression.

Mora emphasized that reserving that situation will only be through the political track in accordance with UNSCR 2254.

The SNC have previously called on the European Union through a meeting held Brussels in last February to increase the humanitarian support provided to the Syrian people, especially in educational sector, stressing the EU’s role in Syria.

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