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44th GCC Summit affirms its support for a political solution in Syria aligned with UNSCR 2254

The 44th GCC Summit announced its commitment to find a political solution in Syria in line with UNSCR 2254 and look forward to resume the work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

This came in the final statement of the GCC Summit held in the Qatari capital, Doha.

The statement said: “Participants affirmed their firmed stances towards preserving the Syria’s territorial integrity, respecting its dependence and sovereignty, and refusing the territorial interferences in its internal affairs.”

The statement added: “The need to support the efforts exerted to care for Syrian refugees and displaced persons, and to work for their voluntary and safe return to Syria, in accordance with international standards, expressing rejection of any attempts to create demographic changes in Syria.”

The statement welcomed the outcomes of the Arab Liaison Committee on the Syrian crisis, which stressed the importance of settling the Syrian crisis and addressing its political, security and humanitarian consequences, the return of kidnapped and missing persons, and combating drugs.

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