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Putin: We will not withdraw our troops from Syria because they are there to guarantee our interests

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, said that the Russian troops will not withdraw from Syria and they are there to secure Russia’s interests in this vital region of the world.

Putin’s statement came during the annual press conference held by the Russian president to show the outcomes of 2023, in which Putin responded to the questions of journalists and Russian citizens on the international and local situations.

Putin also said that Russia does not plan to withdraw its troops from Syria, pointing out that the sites of Russian deployment in Syria are called “points” rather than “bases”. Putin emphasized that Moscow is loyal to its international commitments.

Putin added that the Russian army is presence in Syria to secure Russia’s interests in this vital region of the world and which is close to Russia, stressing as long as the presence of these military units are beneficial to Moscow, they will remain there.

Putin pointed out that that “his country does not establish long-term structures in Syria, and it can withdraw all its military personnel from Syria with the sufficient speed and without any losses, if it is necessary.”

Russian troops have been deployed in Syria since Moscow’s military intervention alongside the Assad regime, on September 30, 2015. Russia controls major bases in Syria, most notably in Hmeimim and Tartous, and its troops are existed in various regions in Syria.

Russian forces committed the most horrific massacres against civilians in Syria, to help the Assad regime suppress its opponents and limit the expansion of the opposition’s control.

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