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أخر الأخبار

The popular demonstrations continue in Suwayda calling for the overthrow of Assad regime

Mass demonstrations took place in As-Suwayda city today on Monday, starting from Alfursan (Knights) Square and reaching to al-Karam (dignity) Square, and called for Assad regime’s overthrow.

“Suwayda 24” website posted on its Facebook account a live broadcast of the demonstration, in which the protesters chanted slogans calling for freedom and the overthrow of the Assad regime, such as: “Bashar out, Syria free” and “One, one, one, the Syrian people are one.”

The protesters carried banners that read “The freedom for every detainee and the free opinion for honorable people”, “The unity for Syria and no for division”.

According to “Suwayda 24” website, male and female activists of the peaceful movement in the Suwayda province issued on December 17, 2023, an invitation to participate in a demonstration that will start from Al-Fursan Square to Al-Karama Square, passing through several streets and markets amid Suwayda city, “to call for our legitimate rights.”

Daraa and Suwayda provinces have witnessed demonstrations and protests for more than four months, calling for the overthrow of the Assad regime, chanting slogans calling for freedom and detainees and calling for the unity of the Syrian people.

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