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UN documents the largest voluntary return of displaced people to Idleb last October

UN documented about 27,200 voluntary return movements of displaced people throughout Syria during last October, which is 930% more than the return movements that were tracked last September.

The UN said in its report that “more than 25,500 cases of these movements or 94% took place in Idleb province.”

The report pointed out that “Sarmin district in Idleb received the largest number of voluntary movements in October, about16,300 return cases, followed by Jisr al-Shughur district in Idleb governorate which received about 4,100 voluntary return movements of displaced people.”

Ariha district in Idleb also received more than 2300 voluntary return movements, while Saraqeb district received more than 1500 voluntary return movements.

The report pointed out that the numbers include the voluntary return of displaced people to their home or original communities.

The United Nations prepared a study in last October, 2023, confirming that the humanitarian situation is deteriorating rapidly in Idleb area, following the attacks carried out by Assad regime forces and Russia on the region.

The United Nations stated that the military escalation by Assad regime and Russia on Idled has led to mass displacement across the region, which is considered a main “protection issue”.

The study stressed that providing mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) was among the most urgent needs in the field of protection after the Assad regime and Russia escalated the conflict in the region.

According to the IDMC’s Global Report on Internal Displacement issued in 2022, Syria is one of largest number of internally displaced people, with 6.86 million IDPs.

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