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Reuters: Israel sent a threatening message to Bashar al-Assad

Reuters News Agency confirmed on January, 8, 2024, that Israel will continue targeting the airports in Syria because Assad regime has agreed to transfer equipment that reinforces the Lebanese “Hezbollah” and Iran.

According to Reuters, Israel sent a threatening message to Bashar al-Assad and said it will strike the airports due to Assad regime’s agreement to transfer the weapons and reinforce the capabilities of Iran and Hezbollah.

Reuters quoted an unnamed regional intelligence officer as saying: “Israel is telling Bashar al-Assad, you are allowing the Iranians and Hezbollah to transfer weapons and entrench themselves, so we will hit the airports that represent your lifeline, and you will find yourself in trouble.”

Reuters pointed out that Bashar al-Assad did not take any measures to support the “Hamas” movement after Israel sent a threatening message to him.

Sources added that the message resonated with Hezbollah. Hezbollah took the threat seriously, because it would cost them everything they had built in Syria in recent years”, according to Reuters.

Israel is carrying out an unprecedented barrage of air strikes in Syria, targeting cargo trucks and infrastructure, in addition to individuals involved in transferring Iran’s weapons to its allied groups in the region.

Israel is launching more frequent and lethal air strikes on Iranian weapons transfers and Assad regime air defense systems.

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