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Assad regime approves three-month extension of humanitarian aid delivery into northern Syria

Assad regime agreed on extending humanitrian aid delivery into north-west Syria for three months via Bab Al-Salama and Al-Ra’ee border crossings.Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Koussay Aldahhak, posted on “X” platform, saying “Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, was briefed on the resolution.”

According to Aldahhak, “Assad regime will continue its collaboration with the United Nations and all the partners, with the aim of improving the living conditions for all the Syrians across its territories.”

Aldahak claimed that “They will increase early recovery projects, rehabilitate damaged infrustructure, and restore all vital services.”

Aldahak stressed “the need for the full unconditional and immediate lifting of all unilateral coercive measures because they impede the humanitarian work and the voluntary return of Syrian refugees and displaced to their homeland.”

It is noteworthy that humanitarian aid delivery mechanism into north-west Syria was halted in last summer after the UN Security Council failed to extend the authorization.

Assad regime approved last month to extend UN humanitarian aid delivery into north-west Syria across Bab al-Hawa border for an additional six months.

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