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Islamic Relief said on the 13th anniversary of the Syrian Revolution: The people in northern Syria are struggling to survive

The British humanitarian “Islamic Relief” organization affirmed that the people in north-west Syria are struggling to survive amidst the increasing unemployment, food shortages, and malnutrition in the region.

Islamic Relief’s statement came on the occasion of the 13-year anniversary of the Syrian revolution, in which it clarified that the region of northwest Syria is one of the most damaged areas in Syria, as malnutrition has raised by almost 500% while the unemployed reached 90% of the population.

The Islamic Relief added that more than 80% of the population are in need of food assistances, while one million children under five years need nutrition services. The pregnant and breastfeeding women are increasingly suffering from anemia as many of them struggle to breastfeed due to malnutrition.

According to the statement, The Islamic Relief’s office director in Idleb, Rajab Haj Saleem, “The Syrians live between the crisis and disaster. After 13 years they still afraid of attacks at any time and they are suffering from a destroyed economy that does not provide anything to the people.

Haj Saleem pointed out that the unemployment is widespread with few jobs and livelihoods. While the people suffer profound despair which led to psychological and social problems.

Haj Saleem called on the internation community to remember the dire needs of Syrian people who continue to suffer from one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the modern history.

While the organization’s employees in northwestern Syria confirmed that families affected by food aid reduction are missing meals or selling their only remaining assets so that they can buy food, but food prices are rising rapidly due to their scarcity, according to the statement.

The organization’s employees stated that the people in northwest Syria feel increasingly desperate because they are unable to support their families, which prompted them to try to cross into Turkey in the hope of finding better conditions, but they are unable to do so due to border control. They pointed out that children who do as young as 10 years old are increasingly pushed to work so they can afford to eat, stressing that there is a large portion of children in northwest Syria who are out of school.

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