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In English

Sedat Onal: The necessary conditions must be met for Syrian refugees’ return to their country

Turkey’s permanent representative to the UN, Sedat Onal, called for creating the necessary conditions for the voluntary and safe return of Syrian refugees to their country.

Onal said during a Security Council session about Syria that the sequential approach that conditions the return of refugees to progress towards the political process has not achieved the desired result yet.

Onal confirmed that creating the necessary conditions for refugees’ return must be a part and parcel of the settlement process, expressing his concerns over humanitarian aid reduction in northwest Syria.

In turn, the Assad regime’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Koussay Aldahhak, called on some Western countries to change their approaches that have been overtaken by events, and to abandon policies of disinformation, distortion, and reversing the facts, and to follow diplomacy and dialogue and support the Assad regime.

Aldahhak called on the Security Council to act immediately to stop the Israeli attacks on Syria and to lift sanctions, pointing out that the Assad regime had taken broad steps for the return of refugees, but some countries were blind to this.

For his part, Iran’s ambassador to the UN, Amir Saeed Iravani, called on the Security Council to stop the Israeli attacks on Syria, making clear that there is no solution to the Syrian crisis without full support for its sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

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