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Pedersen holds an extensive discussion with the Turkish Foreign Minister regarding the Syrian file

UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, met with a number of Turkish officials in the capital, Ankara, and held an extensive discussion with them regarding developments in the Syrian file.

According to the Turkish Anadolu Agency, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan hosted UN envoy Geir Pedersen in Ankara.

Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister, Ahmed Yildiz, said: “I met with the UN envoy and we exchanged views and ideas about the latest developments in Syria and the political situation there.”

Yildiz expressed his aspiration to work with Pedersen and his team at the United Nations in New York, within the framework of peace and stability efforts in Syria.

For his part, the UN envoy said: “He held an extensive discussion on all aspects of the Syrian crisis with the Turkish Foreign Minister, and we look forward to continuing the discussions.”

The Turkish Foreign Minister previously affirmed during a press conference in Brussels following his participation in the meeting of foreign ministers of NATO countries, “that his country has aspirations from its allies, and NATO member states must fully and unconditionally support Turkey in the war against terrorism.”

Fidan stressed that “Some allies should not cooperate with terrorist organizations, as is the case in Syria, which contradicts the spirit of NATO.”

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