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US House of Representative votes on “Captagon II” Act to impose new sanctions against Assad regime

The Political adviser and Government Relations Director, and Strategist for the Syrian American Council, Mohammad Alaa Ghanem, stated: “The US House of Representatives will vote tomorrow, Tuesday, on the bill (Captagon 2), which gives the US government new authorities to impose sanctions against Assad regime and the Lebanese Hezbollah militia.”

Ghanem posted the previous statement on “X” platform (formerly Twitter).

Ghanem said: “The new bill is complemented to Captagon Act 1, which was passed at the end of 2022. The Captagon 2 aims to grant the US government new and expanded authorities to hold Assad regime, Hezbollah, and any individuals who activate or engaged in Captagon trafficking accountable.”

Ghanem added that “The legislation aims to hold any individuals who participate in producing and trafficking Captagon or benefiting from selling it accountable whatever their nationalities. In addition to other provisions aim to strengthen US policies to combat Assad regime and its allies’ drug trade, which was approved after insistence from Syrian-US community organizations.

The US State Department revealed a strategy that works to synchronize US joint efforts between agencies in partner countries to disrupt, weaken and dismantle the illicit “Captagon” networks linked to the Damascus government.

US Representative French Hill said earlier, “The Captagon trade has become a vital source of funding for Bashar al-Assad, and the United States must be prepared to play the role of the bad cop, in order to force the Assad government to stop the flow of drugs from Syria.”

The US State Department announced its strategy to combat drugs and the Captagon production linked to the Assad regime, through 4 hubs that include political and diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions.

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