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On the 11th anniversary of Al-Tadamon massacre.. The Syrian Coalition calls for holding Assad regime accountable and bringing justice to victims

On the 11th anniversary of Al-Tadamon massacre, The Syrian National Coalition called on holding Assad regime and its partners accountable for hundreds of heinous crimes that they committed against the Syrian people and bringing justice to victims.

The head of the Syrian National Coalition, Hadi al-Bahra, said: “Today marks the 11th anniversary of Al-Tadamon Massacre in Damascus committed by Assad regime, which is known as Al-Tadamon ditch. It is one of the most barbaric field executions’ crimes that represent the excessive brutality of Assad regime dealing with the Syrian people.”

Al-Bahra emphasized the need for the international community to bear responsibility through bringing justice for the victims and implementing its legal and moral obligations, in addition to its responsibilities for finding effective mechanisms to firmly and fully implementation of UN Security Council resolutions, especially the UNSCR 2254 and 2118, as they form the underpinnings of sustainable political solution.

Al-Guardian newspaper published in April 2022 a video on the massacre committed by Assad regime in Al-Tadamon neighborhood in south Damascus, on 16 April 2013, which led to the killing of 41 civilians and burning their corpses and burying them in a mass grave.

The video showed a soldier from branch 227 taking civilians and shooting them, before throwing them into a ditch specially prepared to bury and burn their bodies.

The scenes of the massacre sparked a wave of global indignation, as France, the Netherlands, and Germany announced the opening of an investigation into war crimes, to hunt down some of the perpetrators who may have fled to Europe after committing the massacre.

The UN, UK, and EU have previously imposed sanctions against Assad regime officials, in order to strengthen the procedures of holding the Assad regime accountable, and to remind of the reasons that should prevent countries from normalizing relations with it.

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